For this option, you can create a podcast episode on any topic related to women and gender in medieval Europe. For details, see below.


The proposal for your podcast episode should include:

  • A brief description of what historical topic your podcast episode will focus on and why. (one paragraph)
  • An overview of the potential format your podcast will take. Will you “interview” potential guests? Develop a non-fiction story? (one paragraph)
  • Two shorter primary sources or one longer primary source. Please include a brief summary of these sources and why you think they will be helpful for your project. 
  • Four secondary sources (academic articles or books). Please include a brief summary of these secondary sources and why you think they will be helpful for your project. At this point of your research, you only need to have read one of them (the article you focused on for your Source Analysis). 


For this option, you can explore any topic related to women and gender in medieval Europe. Remember that your podcast episode is only 30 minutes long, so you’ll want it to be fairly focused. 

Remember to:

  • Provide context for your topic: What was going on during that time period and place? What background information does your listener need to understand the topic?
  • Include specific examples and provide factual information (dates, place, names). 
  • Highlight any debates by historians (known as historiography) regarding your topic. Use examples from your secondary sources.
  • Use examples from your primary sources, including quotations and analysis of this material.